9 Strategies to Find Brands Looking for Influencers

Looking to partner with brands as an influencer? Learn 9 effective strategies to find and connect with brands seeking influencers for collaboration.
Image of author Nick Cotter

By Nick Cotter
Updated Apr 30, 2024

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Finding brands that are looking for influencers can be straightforward if you know where to look and how to present yourself.

This article outlines nine practical strategies to help influencers like you connect with the right brands.

These methods range from optimizing your social media presence to leveraging specific tools and networks designed for influencer marketing.

Each strategy is tailored to help you identify opportunities that align with your content style and audience preferences, ensuring that your collaborations are both authentic and effective.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your existing partnerships, these strategies are key to unlocking new brand relationships.

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How to Find Brands Looking for Influencers:

1. Join an Influencer Marketplace.

Joining an influencer marketplace is an essential step for influencers looking to connect with brands for partnerships.

These marketplaces act as a bridge, facilitating smooth interactions between influencers and brands.

Example of an influencer marketplace, Collabstor
Example of an influencer marketplace, Collabstor: Source

They provide a structured platform where influencers can showcase their unique style and reach, while brands can easily find and connect with influencers who align with their marketing goals.

This setup streamlines the process of finding and negotiating partnerships, saving time and increasing opportunities for both parties.

To navigate this space effectively:

  • Your profile in an influencer marketplace is visible to a multitude of brands actively searching for influencers, increasing your chances of being discovered. Craft a creative social media bio that reflects your unique skills and interests to stand out to brands looking for the perfect influencer fit.
  • Marketplaces often have algorithms and filters that match your niche and audience demographics with brands looking for similar characteristics, ensuring relevant partnership opportunities.
  • These platforms are not just about finding gigs; they're also a great way to build a network within the influencer community and learn from peers.
  • Marketplaces provide tools for direct communication with brands, making it easier to negotiate terms, discuss collaboration details, and manage contracts.
  • Many influencer marketplaces offer analytics tools that help you understand your performance and leverage these insights in pitches to potential brand partners.
  • Being part of a recognized marketplace can lend credibility to your profile, as brands often trust these platforms for vetting and recommending quality influencers.

Check out our article on the top influencer marketing platforms to learn more about them.

Hypothetical Example:
Imagine an influencer, Alex, who specializes in fitness and wellness. Alex joins an influencer marketplace, creates a compelling profile highlighting his audience demographics and past successful campaigns. Soon, a brand specializing in sports nutrition discovers Alex's profile and reaches out for a collaboration, leading to a fruitful partnership.

2. Search for Brands Already Partnering with Influencers.

Searching for brands that are already partnering with influencers is a strategic move for influencers aiming to find partnership opportunities.

This approach allows you to identify brands that are open to influencer collaborations and understand their marketing strategies.

Example of Nike partnering with Influencers
Example of Nike partnering with Influencers

By observing existing partnerships, you can gain insights into the types of influencers these brands prefer, the campaign styles they use, and how they integrate influencer content into their overall marketing efforts.

This knowledge can help you tailor your pitch to align with the brand's values and campaign goals.

  • Regularly check social media platforms, especially Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, where influencer partnerships are often prominently featured.
  • Look for branded hashtags or campaign-specific tags used by other influencers. This can reveal current or past influencer campaigns.
  • Keep an eye on your fellow influencers, especially those in your niche, to see who they're partnering with.
  • Set up Google Alerts for keywords related to your niche and potential brand collaborations to stay informed about the latest partnerships and campaigns.
  • Follow industry-specific blogs and websites that often report on successful brand-influencer partnerships.
  • Actively engage with content posted by potential partner brands and influencers, as this can increase your visibility and demonstrate your interest in their campaigns.

Hypothetical Example:

Influencer: Alex, a tech enthusiast and vlogger.


  • Social Media Monitoring: Alex notices several tech influencers partnering with "SmartGizmo", a brand known for innovative gadgets.
  • Hashtag Research: He explores #TechTrends2023 and discovers more posts about SmartGizmo’s products.
  • Engagement: Alex starts engaging with SmartGizmo’s posts and shares content related to their gadgets.

Outcome: Leveraging his research and engagement, Alex pitches a collaboration idea to SmartGizmo, focusing on his expertise and audience interest in cutting-edge technology. This leads to a successful partnership where he reviews their latest gadget.

3. Observe Partnerships of Similar Influencers.

Observing the partnerships of similar influencers is a savvy approach for identifying potential brand collaborations.

This method involves closely monitoring influencers who share a similar audience or niche as yours.

Example of Adidas partnering with influencers, creators
Example of Adidas partnering with influencers, creators.

By doing so, you gain valuable insights into which brands are open to influencer marketing and are likely to be interested in your unique style and audience.

This approach not only helps in discovering new brands but also provides ideas on how to structure effective partnerships and create engaging content that resonates with your followers.

  • Follow Influencers in Your Niche: Regularly check the content of influencers who have a similar focus or audience demographic. Note the brands they collaborate with and the nature of these partnerships.
  • Analyze Campaigns: Pay attention to the types of campaigns these influencers are involved in, whether they are product reviews, sponsored posts, giveaways, or brand ambassador roles.
  • Engagement Metrics: Observe how their audience engages with sponsored content. This can give you an idea of what works well and what doesn't.
  • Content Style Adaptation: Learn from the content styles and creative approaches these influencers use in their collaborations. This can inspire how you might approach a partnership with a similar brand.
  • Networking: Consider reaching out to these influencers for insights or advice on working with specific brands. Networking can often lead to direct referrals or collaborations.
  • Cross-Platform Analysis: Don’t limit your observation to just one platform. Check out how these influencers collaborate with brands across different social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and even blogs.

Hypothetical Example:

Influencer: Mia, a travel and lifestyle blogger.


  • Niche Monitoring: Mia keeps an eye on fellow travel bloggers, noticing many partnering with "GlobeTrek Gear," a company specializing in travel accessories.
  • Content Analysis: She observes how these bloggers integrate GlobeTrek Gear’s products into their travel stories and posts.
  • Engagement Review: Mia notes the positive audience response to these collaborations, indicating a good fit for her audience as well.

Outcome: Using these insights, Mia crafts a proposal for GlobeTrek Gear, highlighting how her travel blog and style align with their brand. This results in a successful partnership where she features their travel gear in her upcoming travel series.

4. Collaborate with an Influencer Agency.

Collaborating with an influencer agency can be a game-changer for influencers seeking to connect with brands.

These agencies specialize in bridging the gap between influencers and companies, offering a range of services that facilitate successful collaborations.

Example of influencer working with influencer marketing agency
Example of influencer working with influencer marketing agency

By partnering with an agency, influencers can benefit from professional guidance, access to a wider network of brands, and assistance in negotiating deals.

Agencies have the expertise and resources to match influencers with brands that align with their style and audience, ensuring mutually beneficial partnerships.

  • Access to Exclusive Opportunities: Agencies often have connections with top brands and can provide access to high-profile collaboration opportunities that might not be publicly advertised.
  • Professional Representation: An agency can represent you in negotiations, ensuring fair compensation and contract terms that protect your interests.
  • Career Development Support: Beyond just finding deals, agencies can offer valuable advice on building your brand, improving your content, and expanding your reach.
  • Time-Saving: With an agency handling the business side, you can focus more on creating content and engaging with your audience.
  • Market Insight: Agencies are adept at understanding market trends and can advise you on how to stay relevant and appealing to brands.
  • Portfolio Building: They can help you build a diverse portfolio of collaborations, which can attract even more brands in the future.

Hypothetical Example:

Influencer: Leo, a culinary influencer known for his innovative vegan recipes.


  • Agency Partnership: Leo signs up with "FlavorInfluence," an agency specializing in food and lifestyle influencers.
  • Portfolio Showcase: The agency helps Leo refine his portfolio, highlighting his unique approach to vegan cooking.
  • Brand Matchmaking: FlavorInfluence connects Leo with "GreenTable," a brand launching a new line of plant-based cooking ingredients.

Outcome: Through the agency's connections and expertise, Leo collaborates with GreenTable for a series of sponsored recipe videos featuring their products. This partnership not only boosts his visibility but also aligns perfectly with his vegan culinary niche.

5. Search Specific Influencer Hashtags on Social Channels.

Going by an expert-compiled influencer marketing guide on Attrock, one of the most effective ways for influencers to discover potential brand partnerships is by searching specific influencer hashtags on social media channels.

This method involves looking up hashtags commonly used in influencer marketing campaigns or those related to your niche.

Example of an influencer using #brandcollab hashtag
Example of an influencer using #brandcollab hashtag

By doing this, influencers can uncover brands that are actively engaging in influencer marketing and identify trends in collaboration styles and content.

This approach also helps in understanding the kind of content that resonates with audiences, providing inspiration for your own campaigns.

  • Identify Relevant Hashtags: Look for hashtags that are commonly used in your niche, as well as broader influencer marketing tags like #ad, #sponsored, or #brandcollab.
  • Explore Trending Campaigns: Keep an eye on trending campaigns within your niche to see which brands are investing in influencer marketing.
  • Analyze Content Style: Notice the style and quality of content under these hashtags to understand what brands might expect from a collaboration.
  • Note Brand Engagement: Pay attention to how brands interact with influencers' posts. This can give insights into their engagement and communication style.
  • Build a Target List: Create a list of brands that frequently appear in these hashtags and seem to align with your personal brand and audience.
  • Engage with Posts: Actively engaging with posts under these hashtags can increase your visibility both to the brands and to the influencer community.

Hypothetical Example:

Influencer: Sara, a beauty and skincare enthusiast with a focus on organic products.


  • Hashtag Research: Sara regularly checks hashtags like #OrganicBeauty, #EcoFriendlySkincare, and broader tags like #BeautyInfluencer.
  • Brand Discovery: She discovers "NatureGlow," a brand specializing in organic skincare, frequently featured in these tags.
  • Engagement Analysis: Sara notes the positive audience interaction with NatureGlow's influencer posts.

Outcome: Leveraging this information, Sara reaches out to NatureGlow with a proposal that outlines her alignment with their brand ethos and ideas for unique, organic beauty content. This leads to a successful partnership where she reviews their newest skincare line on her channels.

6. Attend Conferences Relevant to Your Audience.

Attending conferences relevant to your audience is a valuable strategy for influencers seeking brand partnerships and networking opportunities.

These events are where industry professionals, brands, and influencers converge, offering a platform to form connections, learn about new products or services, and understand the latest trends in your niche.

By participating in these conferences, you can engage directly with brand representatives, gain insights that are pertinent to your content creation, and establish yourself as a knowledgeable figure in your industry.

  • Conferences provide the opportunity to meet and network with brand representatives, opening doors to potential collaborations.
  • They often feature expert talks, panels, and workshops that offer insights into current trends and best practices in your niche.
  • Attending these events can raise your profile as an influencer and show brands that you're actively engaged in the industry.
  • Conferences can be a goldmine for content ideas, whether it's sharing your learnings or interviewing key figures in the industry.
  • Use these events to start building long-term relationships with brands and other influencers.
  • You can gain feedback on your brand and content strategy from peers and professionals, which can be invaluable for your growth.

Hypothetical Example:

Influencer: Zoe, a digital marketing expert and influencer.


  • Conference Attendance: Zoe attends "DigitalNow", a major conference focused on the latest trends in digital marketing.
  • Networking: She networks with representatives from "Marketing Innovations Inc.," a company renowned for its digital marketing tools.
  • Content Sharing: Zoe shares her insights and experiences from the conference on her blog and social media platforms.

Outcome: Through this networking, Zoe is able to secure a partnership with Marketing Innovations Inc. for a series of webinars and blog posts, enhancing her credibility as a digital marketing influencer and providing valuable content to her audience.

7. Seek Introductions from Fellow Influencers.

Attending conferences relevant to your audience is a strategic approach for influencers to network and discover brand partnership opportunities.

These events often gather industry professionals, brands, and fellow influencers, providing a unique platform for making connections and staying informed about the latest trends and needs of your audience.

By participating in these conferences, you can directly interact with brand representatives, learn about new products or services, and gain insights into the industry, all of which are invaluable for shaping your influencer strategy.

  • Networking Opportunities: Conferences are ideal for meeting brand representatives and other influencers, creating opportunities for collaborations and partnerships.
  • Learning from Panels and Workshops: These events often feature expert panels and workshops that can provide valuable information about your niche and audience interests.
  • Showcasing Your Brand: Use these events to talk about your work and audience, effectively presenting yourself as a potential partner for brands.
  • Gaining Industry Insights: Stay informed about emerging trends and market shifts that could affect your content strategy or open up new partnership avenues.
  • Building Relationships: Engage with brands and other influencers beyond the event, fostering relationships that can lead to future collaborations.
  • Content Creation: Documenting your experience at the conference for your social media channels can provide engaging content for your audience and show your active involvement in the industry.

Hypothetical Example:

Influencer: David, a tech enthusiast and YouTuber.


  • David attends the annual "TechWorld Conference," known for its focus on cutting-edge technology and gadgets.
  • He engages with representatives from "InnovateTech," a company launching a new line of smart home devices.
  • David shares his conference experiences and insights on his YouTube channel and social media platforms.

Outcome: Through networking at the conference, David secures a partnership with InnovateTech to review their latest smart home device. His audience appreciates the firsthand information from the conference, and the collaboration enhances his reputation as a tech influencer.

8. Engage Your Audience for Product Recommendations.

Engaging your audience for product recommendations is a powerful strategy for influencers looking to attract brand partnerships.

This approach involves actively soliciting feedback and suggestions from your followers regarding the products or services they are interested in.

By doing this, you not only foster a stronger connection with your audience but also gain valuable insights into their preferences and needs.

This information can be highly attractive to brands, as it demonstrates your understanding of your audience and your ability to influence their purchasing decisions.

  • Social Media Polls and Surveys: Use tools like Instagram polls or Twitter surveys to ask your audience about their favorite products or what they would like to see you review or feature.
  • Interactive Q&A Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions on platforms like Instagram or YouTube, where you can directly ask for product recommendations and preferences.
  • Analyzing Comments and Messages: Regularly review comments and direct messages to gather informal feedback about products or brands your followers are interested in.
  • Content Integration: Integrate audience suggestions into your content, showing that you value their input and are responsive to their interests.
  • Sharing Insights with Brands: Use the data collected from your audience to approach brands with concrete evidence of your influence and their interest in specific products or services.
  • Creating a Community-Driven Image: Position yourself as an influencer who genuinely listens to and values the opinions of your followers, enhancing your appeal to brands that value customer-centric marketing.

Hypothetical Example:

Influencer: Emily, a fashion blogger and Instagram influencer.


  • Emily runs a series of polls on her Instagram stories asking her followers about their favorite sustainable fashion brands.
  • She notices a high interest in "EcoStyle," a brand known for its eco-friendly and ethical fashion practices.

Outcome: Armed with this feedback, Emily approaches EcoStyle with a collaboration proposal, showcasing her audience's interest in sustainable fashion. This leads to a partnership where Emily features EcoStyle in her fashion lookbooks, resonating well with her audience's preferences.

9. Explore Affiliate Networks.

Exploring affiliate networks is an effective strategy for influencers looking to establish partnerships with brands.

Affiliate networks act as intermediaries between influencers and companies, offering platforms where influencers can join affiliate programs of various brands.

By participating in these networks, influencers can earn commissions for the sales generated through their promotional efforts.

This approach not only provides a monetization opportunity but also allows influencers to test and showcase products, demonstrating their ability to drive sales, which can be appealing to brands looking for effective collaborators.

  • Register with well-known affiliate networks that have a wide range of brands and products aligned with your niche.
  • Select affiliate programs that resonate with your personal brand and audience interests to ensure authenticity in your promotions.
  • Integrate affiliate links into your social media content, blog posts, or YouTube videos, providing your audience with easy access to purchase the products you recommend.
  • Utilize the analytics tools provided by affiliate networks to track the performance of your affiliate links and understand your audience's buying behavior.
  • Use your success in affiliate marketing to showcase your influence and ability to drive sales when approaching brands for direct partnerships.
  • Engage with your audience transparently about using affiliate links and the benefits they offer, building trust and credibility.

Hypothetical Example:

Influencer: Jake, a fitness coach and Instagram influencer.


  • Affiliate Network Joining: Jake signs up with an affiliate network that connects influencers with health and fitness brands.
  • Program Selection: He chooses to affiliate with "FitGear," a brand offering high-quality workout equipment that aligns with his content.
  • Content Integration: Jake incorporates FitGear’s products into his workout routines and shares the affiliate links in his Instagram posts and stories.

Outcome: By effectively promoting FitGear products and generating sales through his affiliate links, Jake demonstrates his influence and sales-driving ability. This leads to a direct collaboration with FitGear for a series of sponsored fitness challenge videos.

Wrapping up our Strategies to Find Brand Collaborations.

Embarking on the journey of brand collaborations requires a blend of strategic thinking, proactive networking, and genuine engagement.

By leveraging these nine strategies, you can uncover a world of opportunities that align with your brand identity and resonate with your audience.

Remember, each collaboration is a chance to tell a unique story and make an impact. With the right approach, the world of influencer marketing opens up a realm of possibilities, allowing you to grow your brand and create meaningful connections with both your audience and the brands you collaborate with.


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Nick Cotter

Nick Cotter

Founder & CEO

With over 7 years navigating the intricate realms of marketing, and specifically B2B partner marketing, Nick has forged collaborations with top-tier tech brands, prominent agencies, and some of the industry's foremost B2B publishers and content creators. His deep immersion in both marketing landscapes showcases a trajectory of expertise and innovation. Identifying a significant void in specialized resources, he founded Growann.The aspiration? Deliver unparalleled insights and guidance, carving out a dedicated space where the broader marketing and B2B partner marketing communities can flourish.